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The (in)fertility of modern society

Modern society is slowly breaking down taboos about infertility and talking about it out loud.

Credit therefore also goes to celebrities who have spoken publicly about their fertility problems, to national projects that raise public awareness of infertility, and to many scientific discoveries. Is the solution in ectopic fertilization, sperm storage or additional help with a natural approach?

Every day we witness new facts, which the professional public finds alarming. Women in America are »en masse« deciding to freeze their eggs at a young age. Experts from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem found in their studies that the sperm count of modern men has been constantly falling for the past 40 years.

The age limit when women decide to get pregnant for the first time is slowly rising above 30 and there are more and more artificial insemination procedures. The reality of young people is also the pressures of everyday life, parents, stress at work, the aging of the population, and financial and housing problems. Can we be rightly concerned about our fertility and future generations? What can we do as an individual to avoid such problems?

Infertility is a disease of modern society, or at least a consequence of our faster lifestyle.
Infertility is increasingly talked about in public, but we are still ashamed of it. We accept it as our shortcoming, which shows a lack of masculinity or femininity and we don't want to say it out loud.

Many women have admitted that they have had trouble conceiving, and perhaps this can encourage us to accept infertility as a normal phenomenon in modern society. Given that every sixth couple is infertile, your neighbors and friends are probably facing infertility as well.

Michelle Obama, Anna Hathaway, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Halle Berry, Kim Kardashian West, Courtney Cox, Celine Dion, Brooke Shields and others have admitted having fertility problems in the past or were getting pregnant through IVF. The message is always the same; you are not alone when you are dealing with infertility.

A woman's age at first pregnancy is increasing

The key factor that even the professional public warns against the most is that a woman's age at first pregnancy is increasing. There are several reasons; young people want more from life, studies are longer, career, financial instability, housing problem, etc. A woman's fertility declines with age, as after the age of 35 the probability of conceiving is almost half as low as at the age of 25. The cause lies in the ovaries, as the number of follicles and the quality of oocytes decrease over the years due to many factors, and these changes become even more pronounced after the age of 35. For both men and women, fertility is adversely affected by smoking, obesity, an unhealthy lifestyle and excessive alcohol consumption.

To this we can add other reasons for infertility, such as disturbances in the menstrual cycle, absence of ovulation, poor patency of the fallopian tubes, sexually transmitted diseases and reproductive diseases such as endometriosis. In the case of men, in most cases it is a question of poor quality or absence of semen. We can conclude that fertility is no longer something to be taken for granted and that pregnancy does not always happen overnight.

Is the solution in in vitro fertilization or cell storage?

Abroad, there are movements promoting the storage or freezing of eggs in younger women, who can then use them in later years, when they are good enough for pregnancy. Some are betting on IVF in the future.

The success rate of each IVF procedure is only between 25 and 30% and it also depends on the reason for infertility in the couple. Each cycle is associated with many examinations, strong hormone therapies, hope and costs.

Cell storage is already something normal in the western world. It is mainly used by younger women who want to get pregnant and are aware that fertility is a sensitive matter. In this way, they have healthy egg cells ready, even if they decide to get pregnant at a more mature age. Above all, it is a way for a woman or man to have a child after suffering from cancer or other serious illnesses.

Fertility care is in your hands

We talk about infertility when a couple does not get pregnant after a year of regular unprotected sex. Nevertheless, do not wait and act earlier, because infertility is also a battle with a woman's biological clock.

It is important to observe your body beforehand. For women, it is crucial that the menstrual
cycle is regulated and that she ovulates. Without ovulation, a couple cannot successfully conceive. A regular menstrual cycle is the result of a regular hormonal balance and proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which can be checked with simple blood tests.

Men are advised to pay more attention to properly undescended testicles and possible
damage to the testicles from childhood. In all of this, the general health of the organism,
appropriate body weight and a healthy lifestyle with as little stress as possible play an
important role.

With the fast pace of life, it is difficult to consume all the necessary vitamins and minerals that the body needs with food. You can help yourself with high-quality and proven nutritional supplements that have a proven positive effect on fertility.

These can help prepare the body for conception or regulate hormonal activity, increase the number of sperm and thus facilitate natural conception, which is still kinder to the body and the couple than hormonal treatments.

A component to consider when taking nutritional supplements is time. Natural ingredients have a weaker effect on the body and therefore persistence is important. It is recommended to use it for at least 3 months.

The ingredients we recommend are zinc, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, folic acid, selenium and
iron. We must also pay attention to sexual relations on the right days, to relaxation and, in case of problems, to information. Vacations, yoga, meditation and especially a good relationship with your partner also have positive effects on the body.

Even if natural conception is not successful after all, taking care of our health can greatly
increase our chances of conceiving in the case of artificial insemination.

We also recommend

  • 3x FertilUp for women + 3x Omega-3
    3-month package (90 days)
    170,70€  139,95€
  • FertilUp for both
    FertilUp for women & FertilUp for men
    61,11€  53,30€
  • FertilUp for Men + Omega-3
    1-month package (30 days)
    56,90€  51,95€
  • FertilUp for Women + Omega-3
    1-month package (30 days)
    56,90€  51,95€
  • 3x FertilUp for men + 3x Omega-3
    3-month package (90 days)
    170,70€  139,95€
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